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Finding Grace in a home for kids in India

Finding Grace in a home for kids in India

April 18, 2021

Thank you for your faithful giving. Your continuous support is demonstrating the faithfulness of God to kids who were raised in the brothels in India. Our amazing Savior turns your weekly gifts into warm bread, daily meals, and the constant presence of loving house parents for these children.

The Grace Homes provide a warm and secure family environment for children rescued from the red-light district to live and experience the love of God through the house parents who embrace and protect these children as their own.  There are two Grace Homes, one for boys and one for girls. Each has the structure of a private family life that is needed to support these kids as they are freed from their former life of bondage and grow into the men and women that God has created them to be.

Like Suveeta who came to the girls’ house at age 11, feeling old and weary. At age 4, she started cooking over an open fire, which resulted in an accident burning her face. At age 6, she was required to do all the family’s laundry by hand, all while caring for her little sister.

Coming to the girl’s house, she felt loved, cared for, and protected for the first time. Through daily family worship and devotions, she saw the love of Jesus and gave her heart to him. When she was given an English Bible, she said that although could not read English, she knew in her heart that what was written in this book was what her new friend Jesus would want to say to her. She prayed, saying, “Jesus, you were able to save me, taking away my sad heart and giving me a happy heart.

Thank you all for providing not only resources but love and a future for these precious children of God.